restoring elemental balance
one respawnnesttear at a time

defenders will find areas where elemental discordance is significantly higher than its surroundings, indicating the need to intervene and reclaim that area so its safe for defenders and townspeople alike. The monsters inside are directly affected by the imbalance, and they attack outsiders as a warning sign of the dangers to come if imbalance persists and worsens.
Thinking of the earth as a body that has perfectly evolved over time to serve its survival, an intricate network of tension and balance. When the elements are in harmony, its like all organs, muscles and processes are operating at peak efficiency. Its a highly delicate orchestration, and just as in a body’s health these interdependent systems (like elements) need eachother at their best so they can be at their best. Discordant elements are not fighting against eachother, they are trying to compensate for eachother and causing calamity as a result.
What is elemental harmony?discourse? ?
When the parent elements are in harmony, all animals in the realm follow their nature as dictated by the circle of life. An imbalance indicates that two or more elements are at odds, one becoming more dominant while another weakens. This percolates an aggravated tension, like an ulcer, that bursts through the veil that divides the elemental realm and the physical realm and manifests in a centralized zone of influence, poisoning the minds of animals that live within it.
Once infected these are no longer deer or bear or boar but monsters who turn on eachother as quickly as they hunt for human meat. Even the smallest of creatures like rabbits and mice are sensitive to the elemental discordance, inspiring a bloodthirst in their bite that defies their nature. They procreate en masse, transforming an animals traditional gestation period from months to minutes.
tryingfailing to restore balance without defenders
Prior to the elements call to defenders to return home, townspeople across Samhan rallied to reclaim the territories that are slowly being enveloped by tears in the veil, an appalling deathcount and futile acceptance followed. As determined as the inhabitants were, without defender blood they lack the ancestral ability to both slay these monsters as they spawn and one day repair each tear, one at a time.
With so few defenders remaining in the realm, small ripples of elemental discordance grew to waves, and mounting to tsunamis if left unaddressed. This is why the defenders are returning to the realm, like an instinctual migration home. Time is of the essence, the monsters that perpetually procreate within the caves and marshes carry the excess elemental energy that radiates through the tear, acting like batteries that exacerbate the already volatile elemental imbalance.
Though it feels futile to battle an endless flow of monsters that are solely motivated by movement and blood, it is rumored that the ongoing commitment by defenders to put these monsters out of their misery will one day fully purge the affected zone of monsters influenced by the discordance. As a defender outgrows an affected zone, it is their responsibility to progress to more difficult environments and pass the responsibility to younger defenders to carry on the diligence.
Defenders must refine their skills and harden their skin gradually as they challenge elemental forces. Some affected zones will surge highly in one element, in others there is a general disorder and many elements are active at once, the wu xings effort to restore its own balance.
how do you restore balance toharness the power ofattain mastery over the elements?
In the vast and ancient realm of Samhan, defenders embark on sacred journeys, following one of four primary paths: Warrior, Rogue, Mystic, or Sage. These paths are not rigid; instead, they offer countless subpaths, each allowing defenders to explore and interpret their chosen journey in their unique way.
The wisdom of elements teaches that mastery lies in each defender, regardless of the path they choose, and that true power lies in understanding how these elemental forces shape and are shaped by all living things.
The Four Paths of the Samhan Defenders:
The paths of the Warrior, Rogue, Mystic, and Sage are threads woven into the fabric of Samhan’s rich tapestry. Each path offers a multitude of ways to explore the world and its elemental forces, with no single way being the true path. A Warrior may seek strength in the wilds, or find it within the order of the city. A Sage may be a keeper of ancient texts or a seeker of new truths. A Rogue might wield cunning in the shadows, or guide with wisdom in the light. A Mystic could command the arcane forces of nature, or delve into the mysteries of existence itself.
Each path is a reflection of the choices and beliefs of those who walk it, and the subpaths within each are as diverse as the defenders who follow them.
The Elemental System:
Central to the world of Samhan is the elemental system—a mystical force that embodies the virtues and energies of all life. The Five Parent Elements—Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, and Wood—are the foundational forces from which all things are born. These elements are not bound by any single path or discipline; they are the essence of the world itself, accessible to all who seek to understand and harness their power.
From the union of these parent elements arise the Ten Child Elements, each representing a unique fusion of virtues and energies. Diamond (Wood, Earth) reflects the resilience and purity found in the natural world, while Lava (Fire, Earth) symbolizes transformation and the raw power of change. Ice (Water, Metal) captures the stillness and clarity of cold, while Lightning (Fire, Metal) embodies the sudden and overwhelming force of nature’s fury.
The elements are more than just tools for those who wield them—they are expressions of the natural world, the emotions, and the very essence of life itself. Mastery over these elements is not confined to a particular path or profession. Instead, it is a journey of understanding how these forces interact, build, and sustain all of existence.
At the heart of this system lies Quintessence—the fundamental building block that binds all five elements together. Quintessence is the core of life and the universe, the mysterious substance from which all things are formed and to which all things return. Those who seek to master the elements strive to understand Quintessence, knowing that it holds the key to unlocking the true potential of the elemental forces and, by extension, the true nature of the world itself.
In Samhan, the pursuit of elemental mastery is open to all, regardless of the path they follow. The power of the elements is a reflection of the soul, shaped by the choices, beliefs, and actions of each defender. Through this understanding, defenders of Samhan forge their destinies, each in their way, contributing to the ever-evolving tapestry of their world.

As defenders grow in insight as well as expand their abilities, they will also refine their personal elemental affinity.
Humans are complex and composed of all elements, and like working out muscles a defender can invest in the development of all elements equally, or favor some over others. Although there are 5 principle elements, there are 12 additional child elements that are born from internal mastery of its parents:

If a zone surges predominantly in one or two elements the monsters that dwell within it are predictable to master. Zones that are in a failing state of self repair (last resort of the elements) will see the same breed of monster possess different elements side by side, or in waves as they spawn. The monster’s element can be identified by its color.
Mastery in all elements is the end goal of every defender, however the route to excellence is an unmarked trail requiring each defender to navigate it their own way based on their instincts. How they choose to enhance their abilities is a highly personal and self determined experience, each providing advantages and challenges based on their virtues.
A defenders ancestral bloodright to the realm extends to the unexplainable magic it possesses, an undeniable expression of the role of defenders to perpetually provide balance to the elements and restore balance before discordance shatters the entire earth.


Like any great journey the best route to take depends on the defender’s unique values. In all cases, don’t take that first decision too harshly.
Life isn’t meant to be rushed through, its intended to be savored. This should come as a great relief to those worried about which initial path to take. There is room to grow, evolve and make their path an ideal representation of everything they love and all they are proud to contribute.
In the realm of Samhan no two defenders are designed to follow the same path over the trajectory of their life. Their unique playstyle will determine what values they invest in and what they will rely on their neighbors to supplement their weaknesses.
Enjoy the journey each path takes, choose the one based its process, not its result. As a defender grows they have the ability to specialize or generalize to hone their particular skillsets. A defender chooses their own adventure, and with insight comes opportunity to be the best expression of their truest selves.
The first step in any path is merely that. Prepare for a long journey where a defender will never regret a decision they have made as for better or worse it has honed their instincts to better direct them to their destiny.

In the realm of Samhan, the four paths—Warrior, Rogue, Mystic, and Sage—are not confined by a single element but instead embody the profound understanding of all five elements of Wu Xing. The defenders of Samhan are guided by the Immortal Guardians, drawing upon the elemental forces of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water to master their chosen disciplines.
each path is a unique expression of elemental mastery, guided by the Immortal Guardians who continue to inspire and empower those who walk the paths of the Warrior, Rogue, Mystic, and Sage.

Warriors are the stalwart defenders who channel the raw power of the elements through their bodies and weapons. They are skilled in wielding elemental forces to enhance their physical strength, fortify their defenses, and unleash devastating attacks.
Whether igniting their weapons with the fury of Fire, hardening their armor with the resilience of Earth, or surging forward with the fluidity of Water, Warriors use their mastery of the elements to dominate the battlefield. They perfect the art of elemental combat, ensuring that each strike and defense is executed with unparalleled precision and strength. Warriors are the embodiment of brute strength, blending raw power with strategic finesse to protect their allies and vanquish their foes.
Rogues are the agile and cunning defenders who deftly manipulate the elements to outmaneuver their enemies. Their understanding of Wu Xing allows them to blend seamlessly with their surroundings, using the elements to enhance their speed, stealth, and deception.
Whether cloaking themselves in the shadows of Metal, striking with the swiftness of Wood, or evading attacks with the fluid grace of Water, Rogues are masters of adaptation and unpredictability. Rogues weave through the complexities of Samhan’s reality, using their elemental mastery to disrupt their enemies and turn the tide of battle in their favor. They are the swift and elusive force, embodying the elements’ capacity for transformation and change.
Mystic are the arcane defenders who harness the pure essence of the elements to cast powerful spells. Their deep understanding of Wu Xing allows them to control the elements with precision, whether calling down bolts of lightning from the Metal skies, conjuring flames from the heart of Fire, or summoning torrents of Water to wash away their foes.
Mystic are the conduits of elemental energy, channeling the raw power of nature into spells that can shape reality itself. They perfect their craft, using their elemental knowledge to create wonders and horrors alike. Mystic are the elemental conjurers, wielding the forces of nature with both grace and devastation.
Sage are the wise and insightful defenders who study the elements to heal, protect, and empower those around them. Their mastery of Wu Xing allows them to tap into the elements’ restorative and supportive properties, using Earth to strengthen the body, Water to cleanse and heal, and Fire to inspire and invigorate.
Sage are the living libraries of elemental knowledge, using their wisdom to guide their allies and preserve the balance of Samhan. Sage learn to use the elements to nurture and support their fellow defenders, ensuring that the harmony of the realm is maintained. They are the elemental caretakers, dedicated to preserving life and knowledge through the power of the elements.

virtuoso spotlight: NUAC / Tom_FJM
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