virtuoso spotlight: NUAC / Tom_FJM
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this is the very first in what will be a long line of samhan's virtuoso spotlights we are so proud to highlight the multifaceted composer, musician, chiptune maestro NUAC / Tom_FJM check out his YOUTUBEWEBSITESOUNDCLOUDSERVICE below: TomFJM on YouTube FLASHJUNKMIND.com...
Emotes: Phase 1
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right from playtest #1 we all agreed something was missing the sprites were using words but they lacked the accompanying gestures to punctuate, and without emotions the conversations felt... incomplete. the solution is simple, the application is intensive, and we...
Appearance Skinning implemented!
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the introduction of the skinning system allows defenders to transform the appearance of their combat gear while retaining its original stats and enhancements. this feature is not just cosmetic; it is deeply tied to the cultural, psychological, and ceremonial aspects...
In-game account creation NOW LIVE!
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its a small update in text volume, but huge for the samhan chronicles user experience for the very first time, players can create their accounts themselves, right within the client. just download the game, create the account, verify your email...
hotkeys that manage your stacks!
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Hotkeys that operate as macros for both spells and inventory items are just one of the features we're most excited about the ability to carry multiple stacks of items requires a nimble hotkey system that does not rely on the...
Elemental Affinity
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throughout the chronicles the elements play a pivotal part in the how and why of everything a defender does central to the world of samhan is the elemental system—a mystical force that embodies the virtues and energies of all life...