some of our favorites that don’t fall into the other categories

captures from various dungeons, caves and dangerous spaces teeming with discordant elemental energy

highlights of the gear that both protect a defender and make them instantly recognizable

elements like lighting, interactable objects/doors, animations and even sound effects are all managed via our mapmaking software, one day accessible to the cartographers to expand the realm of Samhan

virtuoso spotlight: NUAC / Tom_FJM
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this is the very first in what will be a long line of samhan's virtuoso spotlights we are so proud to highlight the multifaceted composer,...
Emotes: Phase 1
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right from playtest #1 we all agreed something was missing the sprites were using words but they lacked the accompanying gestures to punctuate, and without...
Appearance Skinning implemented!
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the introduction of the skinning system allows defenders to transform the appearance of their combat gear while retaining its original stats and enhancements. this feature...